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Send Bulk SMS Notification with SMS API Notification When Online Purchase Order Status Changes

If you are running an online business and want to keep customers informed with order update status then you can consider using our API integration. Our API will help you send out SMS notifications automatically to your customer to update them on their purchase order status changes.
1. Payment Status
2. Order Confirmation
3. Dispatch Notification
4. Shipment Notification
5. Delivered Arrived/ Failure Notification
6. Scheduled Re-delivery Notification
Constantly update customers by sending SMS notifications can maintain a clear communication throughout the whole order and delivery process which can boost customer satisfaction and build a loyal customer base. Below are some stats and facts from a survey conduct by MYcustomer
1. 82 % of consumer stated that is important that retailers communicate the whole process of order and delivery status
2. 45 % of consumer track their order and delivery status by SMS / Phone
3. 81 % of consumer track their order status two or more times during the order and delivery process
4. 96 % of consumer would shop more with the seller again if the order and delivery experience was good

Advantages of sending SMS notifications

• High open rates – SMS has a higher open rate compared to email notifications. SMS has a 98% of open rate while email has only 20% of open rate.
• Does not require internet connection – Sending and receiving an SMS does not require any internet connection even if customer out of data, they can still receive SMS.
• Improve customer experience – SMS notification creates a great way to engage and build loyal customer as informative SMS notifying them on the order confirmation, order dispatched, and order delivered and so on to keep customer update, engaged and satisfied.
• Soliciting review and feedback from customer - By sending SMS surveys can include links to webpages and ask for customer feedback or review of the item and service and let your customer feel like their opinion is appreciated and valued.
If you need any further assistance on our service, feel free to contact us.
WhatsApp: +60127819398
Wechat ID: Smshubs